GIVE me Michael Jackson’s lips,
High my voice and slim my hips.
BOTOX my wrinkles line by line,
Depilated Frankenstein.
LIPO-SUCK my butt cheeks dry,
Belladonna big my eye.
SPLICE my genes with Calvin Klein,
Lift my face and recombine.
AMAZING Bow-flex Power Rods,
Fifteen minutes, look like gods.
PATCHELL Evans Aberator,
Sweat guru fat body hater.
PARIS Hilton worn once dresses,
Vacant head, Medusa tresses.
JEANNE Bekker growing-older,
Fading beauty death-grip holder.
TROPHY wife Trump number three,
But wedding of the century?
FARWELL tour for singer Cher,
Rock-hard nipples, bigger hair.
VUITTON luggage chic and classy,
Helps to hide your sagging assy.
SEXY leather goods from Prada
Let’s all be MARQUIS DE SADA!!!
David Floody 2020
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Ashlee Sharrai
i love this flawless article
David Floody
Thanks,Ashlee. I hope more of our young women and men will age in grace and attractiveness without submitting to the pressure of extreme cosmetic fixes. Stay well, David.